Danuta's Few Simple Steps To Glowing Skin For the Holiday Season

The holiday season is in full swing and with hectic schedules caring for ones skin can be challenging. These are some tips I’d like to share for maintaining looking your best.

1. Prep work first. Good cleansing is your shortcut to beautiful skin.  Pick the right cleanser (I like Lait VIP O2 this season) really work your cleanser in because massaging will boost circulation.  I recommend double cleansing at night to ensure all the makeup and grime is off.
2. Rebalance. Legendary P50 1970 does an amazing job at balancing the PH, refining pores, and restoring suppleness.  Use a cotton pad with upward sweeping motions, lifting face muscles and working outward.  Lifting upward is like a workout for your face.  Having good skin is a lot about circulation so a natural blush after P50 is a plus.  This product truly transforms the skin.
3. Supercharge. Serums are sure way to provide your skin with potent ingredients, vitamins, peptides, and antioxidants.  Because their molecular structure is much smaller they penetrate the epidermis better than heavy creams.  My favorite is LeGrand Serum.  It’s a splurge worthy powerhouse for this season.
4. Winter Proof Skin. My new winter favorite multitasker is Masque Vernix.  This formula changes peoples skin.  Its formulated to mimic the protective skin barrier in newborn babies.  Containing essential complex ingredients such as amino acids, it’s like nutrition for baby soft skin.  It has a rich texture so using less is more.
5. You are what you eat. If your digestion isn’t working the body has a hard time absorbing nutrients.  A well functioning digestive system is essential to an anti-aging regime.  Nutrients play a key note in your elasticity and collagen production.  Greens aid digestion resulting in radiant skin.  Lean protein & Amino acid rich foods improve overall health of your skin, hair & nails.  Probiotics replenish good bacteria.  Load up on yogurt, kimchi, sauerkraut, and fermented vegetables.  Take magnesium too, it supports healthy beauty sleep, keeping the hormones young.  Omega 3 fatty acids are great for your heart and healthy looking skin as well.
6.  Flexibility & Attitude. Looking and feeling great this festive season can be improved by adding stretching or yoga to your workout routine.  A positive relaxed attitude helps us sparkle.
Esthetician and Owner of Rescue Spa,
Danuta Mieloch