If you're thinking surgery… think eMatrix at Rescue first.

As the new year begins it is always great to have a fresh start.  I want to make sure that I exercise, eat right, feel good, and look my best.  As a 45 year old woman in the beauty industry, I too am a consumer and admitted “beauty junkie”.  I am constantly on the quest for new treatments, the latest beauty products, and the most advanced non-invasive procedures that will help me look just as good as I feel. So when I found eMatrix I was stunned at how great the results were from the treatment.  My skin looked refreshed, clearer, firmer, and I got tons of compliments!
The technology is brilliant. Unlike other treatments that work from the outside in, eMatrix works from the inside out by providing sublative rejuvenation (a fractionated bi-polar radio frequency energy delivering bulk dermal heating beneath the skin to maximize collagen production while keeping the top layer of skin intact).  This means that eMatrix targets collagen production (one can never have enough!), and the results from just one treatment are so wonderfully visible.
eMatrix is especially suited for

  • those considering cosmetic surgery
  • wrinkles and irregularities
  • acne scars
  • pigmentation and sun damage
  • sagging skin

It is the only sublative rejuvenation that can be done on any skin type and color.  The treatment takes 45 minutes, you experience a warm prickly sensation, and you might need to wear makeup for a few days, as there is a little bit of downtime involved. But hey no pain, no gain!
If you’re thinking surgery or have a persistent skin characteristic that hasn’t responded to conventional skin care treatments, then think eMatrix at Rescue first.  Call and schedule a free consultation (215) 772-2766 or email us at info@rescuerittenhousespa.com
Beauty Aficionado Founder & Aesthetician,
Danuta Mieloch
danuta mieloch