Kelly's Summer Picks

With summer right around the corner, I’d like to share with you my essential picks for the upcoming season. First and foremost, every anti-aging skincare regime must contain a proper measure of protection. The old saying, “the best defense is a good offense” is absolutely true. We’re all P50 devotees, it is in fact negligent to be exfoliating (manually or chemically) without protecting our complexions. My favorite defense is Jan Marini Antioxidant SPF30 moisturizer. This moisturizer is lightweight, non-comedegenic and smells wonderful.
Our latest and greatest at Rescue, which I adore, is the Eve Lom Cleanser. It contains a unique blend of aromatic oils that cleanse, decongest and soothe the skin. The cleanser is paired with a muslin cloth which helps stimulate circulation, opens the pores and exfoliates the skin. It is divine and I look forward to cleansing my skin with it daily. Your skin is left feeling velvety smooth.
Last but certainly not least, is the new Hydra3 Regenetic Serum and Cream from Valmont. This powerful duo restores and invigorates the barrier function of the skin. Through use of their specialized patented hyaluronic acid combination, it’s actually able to plump up your skin. Think of this pair as “topical filler”, no more need for resorting to those awful needle delivered treatments in your face.
That being said, I hope that everyone will enjoy my summer pick goodies as much as I do!
Kelly Cronin