The skin is the body’s largest organ. It’s your body’s first line of defense from external factors and has many important functions it protects you from the environment, helps maintain body temperature, etc. Skin being thinnest on the eyelids and thickest on the palms of hands and soles of feet. Truly skin is our most visible asset — especially in the summer when we show a lot of it off!
Today I’m going to talk about exfoliation, the key to great skin. I recommend an old fashioned but very effective method, dry brushing. It increases circulation, assists the skin in excreting toxins, encourages healing, stimulates, helps lymphatic drainage, and sheds dead skin cells, all of which can improve skin texture and cell renewal. When dry brushing make sure you use a natural bristle brush, always brushing towards the heart with sweeping strokes starting from the bottom at the feet, overlapping and repeating movements. Follow with a shower, using alternate water temperatures and always finish with a cold rinse. Immediately afterwards apply body oil on damp skin. Do this as often as you can, especially while doing a juice cleanse (these are super popular right now). I also recommend using a body scrub at least twice a week. After the summer months you can begin to incorporate alpha beta hydroxy lotions as well as oils containing retinol such as Environ’s AVST hydrating lotion and body oil, but remember these two products should not be used during times when you will have sun exposure.
For regular cleansing make sure you use a body cleansing gel rather than soap as it better respects the body pH level. Daily skin hydration is as important for the body as it is for facial skin. Rescue has a large selection of paraben-free, eco friendly, body products (which we prefer). Professional body treatments are also a great way to take care of your body. My choice would be a body scrub and detoxifying mud wrap, followed by massage. A whole body nirvana!
Esthetician & Owner of Rescue Rittenhouse Spa
Danuta Mieloch