Love the skin you're in

Being an esthetician for 20 years I often hear women say “I hate my skin.”  For me there is no such thing as bad skin, yet there is skin that is not taken care of properly and it shows immediately.  It makes me think of Helena Rubenstein’s famous quote “There are no ugly women, only lazy ones.”
On an average day I take care of many faces and every skin type, color, age is unique and magnificent in it’s own way.  But as everything in life there are always things you can improve upon.  I’m endlessly interested in how I can fix or improve a wrinkle, a spot, discoloration, texture, hydration, pore size, etc.  There are many things I can do in my treatment room but the most important thing one can do is to love and take care of your own skin.
February is the best time to start the appropriate skincare regimen.   Make sure you cleanse twice a day, exfoliate, hydrate, moisturize, and protect for the whole month of February faithfully I can assure that you’ll see improvement by March.  If you are in doubt take a picture before and after.  Since February is the month of love… I’m promoting love for yourself and the skin you’re in!
Esthetician and Owner of Rescue Spa,
danuta mieloch

Danuta Mieloch