I have oily skin. Despite the fact that my skin is beginning to change it still has a personality disorder which causes it to believe it’s a Fry Daddy, especially in the summer. So it was with great reluctance that I used the Eve Lom cleanser given to me by Rescue owner Danuta Mieloch. It felt so counterintuitive. It comes in a little jar and looks like a Vaseline body scrub?! But when I touched it I fell instantly in love. I am obsessed with this product. I have a very Mad Men moment each time I use it, it’s so wonderfully 1960’s. Joan Holloway would love this product. It makes me want to sit at my Grandmother’s vanity table and apply a full face of makeup just so I can Eve Lom it off. It has to be one of the lightest silkiest most luxurious cleansers out there. And it breaks down makeup like nobody’s business.
When I get home at night I’m tired and really not trying to do a lot with a skin care ritual. Eve Lom makes it so easy. You simply massage this product into your skin and watch it liquefy into a light oily consistency. You then press a warm moist cloth to the skin which will remove it easily. Follow this with a cool moist cloth press and you’re done. Use whatever is appropriate for your skin afterwards; for me it’s a spritz of Ayurvedic rosewater and a little Valmont Factor 3 eye cream.
Remember: oil removes oil. Eve Lom is very compatible with my skin type and seems to be exactly what it needs.
For all our brides-to-be who are still waffling on your honeymoon destination, please check out my interview in Les Nouvelle Esthétiques magazine with Tracey Archer, Spa Director extraordinaire of the Sandy Lane Hotel in Barbados. This resort has become the go to spot for celebrity weddings.
Esthetician Linda Harding-Bond