NEW BEAUTY: Skin Care | Antioxidants Are You Applying Serum the Right Way?

Layer Away:
Rescue Spa’s Kim Zimmerman says she often notices that clients don’t typically know how to layer their serums properly and offers this general rule of thumb: “Layer your serums in order of thinnest to thickest in viscosity,” she says. “This way, they can properly absorb deeper into the epidermis so that you receive the benefits of your products.”

Spot-Treat Tactics:
Zimmerman is also a fan of using serums to spot-treat, based on your skin concerns. “Not all serums need to be applied to all areas of the face. For instance, using a serum that is targeted toward healing acne on the T-zone, versus a more hydrating and anti-aging serum under the eyes, is best practice.”

Microneedling Magic:
If you want your serums to work harder, Zimmerman recommends using a microneedling roller before applying. “This really pushes the product deeper into the epidermis as it enters the microchannels on the skin created by the needles.”

Ingredient Intel:
Zimmerman stresses that it is important to be aware of the ingredients in your serums, so that you aren’t overdoing it on something active such as retinol, vitamin A or certain acids. “Depending on your skin-care routine, these ingredients may also show up in your cleanser and moisturizer, so it is important to be as aware—especially if you are sensitive.”