Miriam Morales of Scripts of flair.com shares her experience with P50…

I’m really excited to be sharing this #beautypost with you guys! You know I’m a product junkie and love testing out new stuff. I’ve slowed down just a bit when it comes to skin care products though because I was (still am) trying to clear up my skin and get it to a healthy place again. Guys, I found something so amazing I just had to tell you all about it! Let me back up a bit…
There one too many occurrences where Biologique Recherche, a French exfoliating toner, was mentioned as a holy grail. Really? I was curious (obviously) and spent an entire week, every day, for HOURS reading reviews. I love reading reviews because they do help get a sense of what to expect with a product. Between Amazon.com and Rescue Spa almost every single review was positive…like, astonishingly positive. Only about 2% were negative. However, they all basically said the same four things: 1. the smell is horrendous, 2. it stings/burns a bit when applied on the skin, 3. it’s pricey, 4. there might be a purging phase. I’m not going to lie, the purging part if what freaked me out the most. I could not deal with more breakouts. But I decided to give it a shot anyway.

Biologique RechercheI got the P50 without phenol and they didn’t lie! This stuff is expensive. A 1.7oz bottle is $27, with shipping it came to $37. Since I was trying it out I got the smallest bottle to see how I’d like it. Yes, it stings but after awhile you get used to it. Yes, it smells bad, but who cares? You get used to that too. On the first day I only used it at night to see how my skin would react and then use twice daily. Well, well, well, the morning after…man, y’all don’t even know! I noticed a huge difference!. I couldn’t believe that with just one use what it did to my skin. A miracle I tell ya.
Biologique Recherche reviewMy skin was noticeably a lot clearer. In under 2 weeks my blemishes and dark spots were clearing up. Those 1.7oz went quick! It was a must for me to continue using this toner so I ordered the next size up, 5.7 at $57 and with tax it came to $67. Told you it’s not cheap but it’s so worth every penny! The right side of my face was bad, like really, really, really, REALLY, bad. It is clear now and the dark spots are fading away. Even the large pores on my forehead that decided to take center stage are getting smaller and smaller. My makeup goes on more smoothly and just looks better period. And, I don’t feel like I need so much! Which is great because summer is right around the corner and I don’t like to wear too much makeup on my face in the blazing heat.
If it did all that in just under a month I can’t wait to see how my skin looks in 3 months. This product completely transformed my skin. I love it. Now that’s not to say that my tea tree oil and other organic natural stuff are dunzo, no, no, no. They’re still good for every now and then use like the days/mornings/evenings when I decide not to use my Biologique Recherche. Because I mean, the stuff is expensive and I’m trying to make it last!
So what do you think? Will you give it a try?

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