• IPL FOTOFACIAL • 1 Session $300, 3 Sessions for $750
Rejuvenate your skin this spring with proven safe and effective Fotofacial with Radio frequency technology. Our targeted approach will rid you of superficial redness and brown spots. Also excellent or acne and rosacea.
• EMATRIX • 1 treatment $400, Series of 3 sessions for $1100
Imagine a treatment that addresses fine lines and wrinkles, improves the appearance of acne scars, textural irregularities and broken blood vessels, treats brown spots and sun damage, and tightens skin…all in one sitting. Allow us to introduce you to eMatrix which can help you can achieve all of this! It requires little- to-no downtime and is clinically proven for ALL skin types.
• REFIRME • 1 treatment $350, Series of 3 sessions for $900
Looking for an instant facelift? ReFirme offers virtually painless and fast treatment for sagging and wrinkled skin. The latest bipolar radio frequency and infrared energy work together to create lasting results with no downtime.
• HAIR REMOVAL • Lip & Chin $150, Underarm & Bikini $250
Now is the time to get rid of unsightly, unwanted hair with our non-invasive laser hair removal with Elos technology. Safe for all skin types! Be bare by summer!
• TRINITI SKIN TREATMENT • $900 per sessions
A complete skin program for immediate, visible and long lasting results! The Triniti skin treatment combines 3 of today’s most effective technologies in a non-surgical treatment. Color correction, skin tightening and wrinkle treatment can all be achieved in a single session with 3 steps, preformed sequentially, during the same spa visit. Total facial renewal in just 3 treatments sessions!