January is the perfect month to start fresh!
This is a great time to declutter and refresh your medicine cabinet. The transformative effect of clearing, and cleaning up your skincare products, makeup, and cosmetics produces positive results. Change is good – throwing away your long time open jars and bottles of products can clear your skin and your mind. I’m not suggesting to drastically get rid of everything, rather take your time to eliminate anything that no longer serves you or may have expired. Get in the practice of investing in the correct products for your skin, buying the best products for your needs, and using them up rather than letting them sit on the shelf.
A good rule of thumb is to try and use any open products within 3-6 months. Think of the food in your fridge or pantry, when it’s open air gets in and it doesn’t stay fresh. The same is true for beauty products, especially clean beauty products that do not contain preservatives or parabens. Also oils can go rancid, so pay special attention to any that have been around longer than they should be. They can cause more unwanted skin problems. – Danuta Mieloch, Founder of Rescue Spa

Even if products are fully protected and sealed off from the air, ingredients can still intact together. That is why each product is assigned a PAO of 3, 6 or 12 months. This is a great reminder that products are meant to be used and not to sit in the medicine cabinet on display. So inspire yourself to mask more often, layer those serums, and spend time in your bathroom enjoying your beauty rituals!

Take the same care that you do with your wardrobe to reorganize and refresh your medicine cabinet. You might realize that you have 10 serums you never used and they’ve been open for 2 years. Travel kits can accumulate bottles of old sunscreen that are not longer effective, leaving you left to burn on your next vacation. So be mindful. Really take a careful inventory.
Self care is a daily practice and your clean decluttered bathroom will reduce stress and bring a glow to your face! While simplifying, focus on the essentials. Make a list for your basics. These are my medicine cabinet staples:
2 Cleansers for double cleansing.
One good Face Scrub.
2 Toners – mild and strong. I prefer Lotion P50 PIGM 400 and Lotion P50 1970.
At least 2-3 Face Masks. A mask for every need, purifying, hydrating and an overnight mask for restoring and regeneration.

Essential for building blocks of collagen! Retinol – used 2-3 nights a week.
Vitamin C used 2-3 times a week
3-4 Serums for the face.
Eye Cream
Lip Balm
Neck Cream
Night Cream
Day Cream

Tinted Moisturizer
2-3 Eyeshadows
2-3 LipsticksGloss

Body Wash
Body Scrub
Body Oil
Body Lotion
Show us your refreshed shelves on instagram and be sure to tag them #danutaapproved #rescuespa