Rosacea is a frustrating skin condition that begins subtly, with the intermittent appearance of redness along the cheeks and nose. Often one of the problems women face is how to eliminate the buildup of dead cells on the face without causing undue irritation like many other exfoliants are prone to do.
Enter Cellcosmet Activator Gel. This product is one of my all time favorites (perfect for all skin types and pregnant women) because it ever so gently dissolves dead skin making you look as though you’ve had a light peel. It contains no alcohol and is botanically based so sufferers of Rosacea won’t experience redness after applying it. What they will experience is skin that is soft, glowing, super smooth and receptive to whatever product they wish to apply next.
I personally like to give myself a treatment with Activator Gel by smoothing a single pump on to my face and throat, letting it work for about ten minutes and then removing it with a warm wash cloth. Ultra fresh skin!
Oh and did I mention that it comes in a convenient unbreakable pump bottle? What could be better?
Rescue Spa Esthetician, Linda Harding