Winter weather is finally upon us in full force and I must admit that this does not make me happy. I recently returned from Oracabessa, Jamaica where I had the opportunity to consult for the grand reopening of the GoldenEye Resort and Spa. Owned by legendary music producer, Chris Blackwell (who brought us U2 , and Bob Marley among others) the 52 acre property is a testament to organic and sustainable luxury vacationing. The spa which overlooks a breathtaking lagoon is grounded in the philosophy of totally eco-friendly treatments. A honeymooner’s paradise, Scarlett Johansson and new hubby stayed there recently. During my 2 weeks I found it funny how quickly my body readjusted to
warm weather and flip flops. Conversely upon returning to Philly my skin began protesting the cold in a big way. Excessive dryness and flakiness is not a pretty situation. Which leads me to the question for my brides-how are you winterizing your skin?
Lotions, dry oils, body butters are great products but can’t penetrate multiple layers of dry skin. Forced air heating, low levels of humidity, moisture evaporation from the skin’s surface at a rapid pace all contribute to dryness. If you have scheduled a winter wedding you must be as diligent with your body as you are with your face. The time to address dryness is not the week of the wedding. To get back on track schedule a sugar scrub treatment. It’s a great feeling to have your skin sloughed and hydrated
and having your therapist perform the service insures that all the hard to reach areas will be addressed. You’ll find that your home care products will perform better and the results will last longer. Venus, massage therapist du jour informed me that she has a few special customizations just for brides to make their skin extra dewy for that big day (She’ll be blogging about that later).
I really like the lotions by Get Fresh. My clients will frequently rouse themselves from their doze during the hand treatment portion of the facial to ask what I’m using. The aromas are bright but not overpowering and the lotions are luxurious enough to slather on after a warm bath or shower. We do know how hot water depletes the natural oils in the skin don’t we? Kai’s body butter is wonderful too. It has a richer texture and a light fragrance.
I wish everyone the best holiday season ever and everything you dream for in the New Year to come true.
Peace and Blessings
Luv Ya,
Linda Harding, Aesthetician