Your A-to-Z Guide to Skin Care Today via WSJ

THE CULT OF skin care seems to have reached a fever pitch, with women (and men) accumulating costly, pleasingly packaged products to arrange in their bathrooms at a new pace. Self-taught enthusiasts, known as the “skintelligentsia,” exchange hyper-detailed info about ingredients and regimens in Sephora comment sections and on Reddit Subs like “Skin Care Addiction.” Ingredient apps like Think Dirty help aficionados weigh the difference between mugwort and St. John’s wort. If you’re more of a casual dabbler in the world of serums and sprays, however, the industry’s rapidly changing trends require a bit of an explanation. Where to start?

“It’s good to experiment with skin care,” said Danuta Mieloch, aesthetician and founder of New York-based Rescue Spa, “but make sure you have the basics down first.” (You know: cleanse, moisturize, SPF.) Once a simple regimen is in place, you can explore the hallucinatory range of procedures, from calculable to kooky. We gathered 26 of the buzziest elements of skin care today, but as Ms. Mieloch cautioned: “With skin care it’s almost like a pair of jeans—what’s good for some is not always as good for the others.”
Read the full article over at The Wall Street Journal