Get into Retinols!


Clients love to ask questions! And fortunately I usually have the answers. The sad part is, the
answer is almost always the same, retinols. I know, it may sound like a cop-out but it’s true.
Do you wish you could fix any of these skin conditions??

  • hyperpigmentation
  • sun damage
  • acne
  • rough texture
  • fine lines
  • dull complexion
  • dehydration

If you answered yes, then retinols can grant you your wish! Well, almost. Seriously.
While retinols are not a cure, they are definitely a requirement for skin correction.
Now that brings me to my next point. Don’t be afraid. Run, don’t walk. Many people are hesitant to use retinols because they immediately think that their skin will become super sensitive to the sun, peel, and fall off. Well, part of that is true. While using retinols, (and always!!) SPF of 30 (or greater) should be used. And why not? The sun, quite possibly, is the reason you’re in this situation anyway. So yes, direct sun should be avoided, and yes, your skin will exfoliate faster than it normally does.
Fall is the perfect time to refresh and rejuvenate the skin with retinols because of
how our outdoor habits change and providing one less environmental factor to overcome.
And yes, we want the skin to exfoliate. This is nothing to fear. Cell regeneration
through the use of retinols is easy when using Environ, an industry leader in corrective skin care.
Speak with an esthetician during your next visit to Rescue Rittenhouse Spa to determine a plan of action to give you the skin YOU’VE always wanted.
Feel young, look younger!
Samantha Lowe