We’ve all been there: panicked and scrambling to find a last-minute gift for that special someone in your life whom you totally forgot about until the absolute drop-dead last minute. Oops. The go-to lifesaver? A gift card, which you’ll avoid until the last possible second. But save yourself the struggle: Gift cards, considered by many to be impersonal, boring, safe, are really unfairly maligned. In fact, there are a few out there we’d actually really enjoy receiving. Here’s how to turn a gift card reaction from eye-roll to ecstatic. Trust us.
The gift of a spa treatment at a luxe location is a surefire winner for anyone. Life always throws so many other things at our wallets (i.e. groceries, parking tickets, etc.), so a gift card to a swanky spa ensures your giftee will get some forced (and surely welcome) R&R. Local spots we love include Rescue Spa in Rittenhouse. -Via Shoppist