The power of ReFa lies in its expertly designed beauty technology. ReFa is revolutionizing skin care by helping to achieve firmer, more toned, beautiful skin.
“Made in Japan, major in Korea! This device is designed to replicate the gentle pinching and kneading sensation that an aesthetician might include in a treatment. These actions stimulate your skin and the muscles below and increase circulation. It is platinum coated & the current carrying bearings within the rollers transfer microcurrent to your skin. Think DIY daily biolift! Oh and it’s solar powered.” 

carat_imageSolar or indoor light is converted into img9microcurrent:  Our bodies naturally carry a low electrical current that helps regulate circulation and contributes to skin’s overall healthy appearance. As we age, the skin’s natural current diminishes causing skin to lose some of its luster and glow. It is designed to help recharge your skin. Applying the ReFa to your face or body allows these microcurrents to transfer to your skin and help stimulate circulation. Using your ReFa daily can help improve skin’s tone, firmness, elasticity, and give you an overall more youthful, refreshed glow.

ReFa’s microcurrents are produced entirely from solar energy. So you can take your ReFa with you anywhere and never have to replace batteries or plug in to charge. The small solar panel located on the top of the roller handle absorbs sunlight or indoor light and converts it into a low level current that is emitted through the rollers to your beautiful skin.
CARATMassaging motion, Rolling stimulation: ReFa’s three-dimensional design was developed to replicate the same feelings you might experience getting a massage or special treatment in a spa or Aesthetician’s office. The rollers work together to carefully massage skin while the handle allows you to control pressure. With the ReFa you can enjoy this type of treatment in the comfort of your own home or wherever you might find yourself needing to relax, recharge, and rejuvenate your skin.
The ReFa CARAT is designed to replicate the gentle pinching and kneading sensation that an Aesthetician might include as part of your treatment. These actions stimulate your skin and the muscles below and increase circulation. The ReFa CARAT works on your body such as:

  • Jaw line
  • Face
  • Underarm
  • Waist
  • Inner thigh
  • Neck
  • Chest


waterPlatinum coating protects your skin and the ReFa: Designed with you in mind. Not only does it feel wonderful and produce excellent results, it’s made to last. In fact, the entire surface of the rollers is platinum coated to be both acid and heat resistant and protect your delicate skin. And it’s completely waterproof so you can add a relaxing ReFa treatment to make your shower or bath a truly spa-like experience.

  • Made in Japan.
  • Solar powered.
  • Waterproof.
  • Approximately 38 uA microcurrents (same as the human body).
  • Platinum (Pt) coating, ABS resin, brass, acrylic, silicone rubber, elastomer, stainless steel, nylon.
  • Instruction booklet, pouch, cleaning cloth included.
  • Size: 92 x 147 x 61 mm
*Also available: ReFa Body, ReFa S Carat (mini), and Refa High Tension Sheet Masks