As summer begins to wind down, a lot of my clients are becoming aware that their skin, formerly tanned and glowing, is beginning to look a bit flaky and tired. My ethnic skinned folks are experiencing record levels of hyperpigmentation as well which is not so cute. I am recommending for everybody a cocktail of Environ’s Clarifying Lotion (which I’ve begun using) and C-Boost. The intense combo of anti-oxidant and alpha-hydroxy quickly whips the skin back into shape and you have the immediate result of a brighter fresher looking skin. On ethnic skin I’m seeing astounding results; dark marks are fading quite rapidly replaced by smoother even-toned skin. Who has time to wait?
For my brides-to-be with late fall and winter weddings eminent this is a great time to begin a brightening regimen. If however you are getting married within the next five weeks and your skin is o.k. now is not the time to try something new. Just be sure to book a short series of bridal facials to ensure fabulous looking skin.
Aren’t award winners great? I always want to know their secrets of how they reached that level. A few weeks ago I interviewed our own multi-award winning owner Danuta Mieloch. Last week I was granted an interview with her contemporary, Christine Hays, Vice President of Spa Operations for Oberoi Hotels. The Oberoi Hotel has been named Best in the World by Conde’ Nast and their spa has been inducted into the Hall of Fame. Excellent!
Hope everyone was safe and warm during Irene.
Love Ya,
Linda Harding