Philadelphia Magazine, 40th Anniversary Edition: Best of Philly 2013
FACE-SAVER: The Rescue Facial is a timeless beauty at its best.
Sometime in my mid-20s, three faint but distinct lines decided to plant themselves on my brow, stretching from temple to temple across my forehead like a fence without posts. I sometimes stand under the harshest light in my bathroom, dabbing on a variety of products to see if – with the right combination – they might plump back out, like little troughs just waiting to be filled. They never do.
Well, they never did, I should say.
Five years ago, on the advice of a friend, I went to Rescue Rittenhouse Spa’s Danuta Mieloch, a Polish-born aesthetician who worked in Paris and Manhattan before opening Rescue here nearly a decade ago. Her facials are the only thing that has ever made the lines fade into near-nothingness.
I realize this sounds absurd, especially because we’re not talking about injectables or lasers or anything you’ve seen on Real Housewives. The magic comes courtesy of a non-invasive, utterly relaxing 60 minutes filled with exfoliating, a little mircodermabrasion, and lots of moisturizing. The result is Beyonce-level luminosity and smoothed-out skin. One glows -no exaggeration- for weeks.
Chances are good that I’m not writing anything you haven’t read about or experienced yourself: Danuta (or Dana, as she’s known to clients) long ago became an instant Philly classic. Friends told friends, and suddenly you had to wait 6 months to get an appointment. But Rescue –the closest thing I’ve ever found to redemption for all those sunburns of my youth – is always worth it.
Rittenhouse, 215-772-2766; ask about their new location. – C.S.L