“On a chilly afternoon I headed to 16th and Walnut for a luxurious new experience, a full body scrub. I’ve enjoyed my share of facials and massages, but never enjoyed pampering like this! You know how good it feels to get a nice long back scratch? A scrub takes this feeling to a new level.
The massage therapist scrubbed me head to toe with refreshing scents of grapefruit. The room had an attached rainwater shower area – which I took full advantage of – and the towels were so soft… Overall this was an AMAZING experience because I decided to embrace the slowness. (A shower with no urgency is pretty unusual for this busy mom.) After drying off from my shower, my massage therapist returned for a light massage to moisturize. I was in heaven. My skin felt smooth and my mind relaxed. A perfect way to relax and get your body ready for beach and pool season just around the corner.” – Reviewed by Philadelphia Family Publisher Sarah Bond