CARMELITE: The perfume of old stonewalls, in the shade of cloisters and convents, this scent of fresh and mossy stone tells us about the black and white silhouettes of sisters moving in the silence of ritual mass. Under the light of votives and psalmody, Carmélite refers to the peace of souls and eternity.
top note : orange, mugwort / middle : rose, geranium, spices, iris / base : patchouli, sandalwood, cedar
SPIRITUS SANCTI: Flickers of crimson, gold and olibanum, holy perfume of altar candles, luxurious wake of censers filled with burning amber : under the nave the choir jubilates, heavenly scents caressing their souls.
top note : aldehyde, incense vapours / middle : lily of the valley / base : labdanum, benzoin resin

*Available at Rescue Spa. We are open today Friday, September 25th until 6pm and Monday, September 28th from 9am-8pm. (Closed this Saturday & Sunday).
top note : aldehyde, incense vapours / middle : lily of the valley / base : labdanum, benzoin resin

*Available at Rescue Spa. We are open today Friday, September 25th until 6pm and Monday, September 28th from 9am-8pm. (Closed this Saturday & Sunday).